Absorbing, mysterious; of infinite richness, this life - Virginia Woolf

Friday, April 30, 2010


For anyone interested, I've started up a Picasa account and have put some more photos online. Please feel free to see the results of my beloved new camera here. (At least I hope so - let me know if the link doesn't work!)

Yes, Google is slowly sucking me into its lecherous grip. I honestly had no idea how many different websites and programs they were in charge of until I signed up for a Gmail account for work recently and suddenly found myself prospectively signed in under that account name on all manner of different websites and services, from blogs to Picasa to maps and on and on. It might seem handy to have all your website accounts combined under one username and password, but I'm not sure I'm happy with finding myself pre-registered with websites I've never used before, or with everything having to be interconnected.

Not to mention how annoying it is when like me, you have two different accounts - personal and work - and can't use any of these damn websites at the same time with different names. So I can't let blogs or photos slowly upload in the background (I'm in Africa, remember) while I work away on my work email, for example. It tends to get in the way of my sneaky use of internet at the office for things I should be doing on my own time!

Privacy? What's that you say? Let Google buy Facebook and their plan for world domination shall be complete.

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