Absorbing, mysterious; of infinite richness, this life - Virginia Woolf

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

January Blues

It only recently occurred to me that I hadn't yet written a single word here in 2011. It's already my third week back in the funny little land of BiH, and time is slipping nicely by.

If it hasn't occurred to me to write here, it's probably - sadly - because there isn't much to report. I have a reasonably moderate case of the January Blues - crippling lack of money (even by Bosnian standards), debt (oh that unpaid gas bill!), horrible weather (I've yet to see any of the hills surrounding the city this week with fog), general apathy (my chances of ever seeing gainful employment seem to shrink by the day, they're about to FAIL to vote out the government back home - yet again - and I can't get my hair to behave the way I want it to. All pressing issues of our times, you'll agree).

Then again, a self-declared period of austerity, sobriety and seclusion does have it's benefits. It's good for the health (no public transport for me, I'm powered by foot), good for the figure (soup is more or less all I can afford to eat), good for my cultural aspirations (two books down so far), and good for my pop culture references (making January Oscar season for movies is genius).

Last weekend, thanks to the unseasonably mild weather, we also managed to make it up the mountain for a hike. Heavy snow is finally forecast for later in the week: bring it on, I'm looking forward to some skiing!

1 comment:

  1. Hey lady, I just checked out your blog after you mentioned it last night. You're a great writer, and I love that Virginia Woolf quote, too. Let me know if you're ever up for a book-swap! Feels like I've read everything in my house ten times over..
