Absorbing, mysterious; of infinite richness, this life - Virginia Woolf

Monday, May 10, 2010

Coffee time photo break

Lots of things happening the last week, most of which I'll write about about later.

I'm just back from a weekend in Murchison Falls National Park, happily acting like a tourist for the first time since I arrived, hanging out with other muzungu backpackers, soaking up the 'African wilderness' and touring around to see the animals. The park is stunningly beautiful,camping was great, and although I'm not generally a wildlife buff, seeing the animals up close and personal was amazing, and a world away from trooping around zoos or nature parks at home.

I'll write more about it later, but for now I'm so excited about some of the photos I took that I'm shamelessly publishing some of them here, while I sip my morning cup of coffee and listen to metallic rolls of thunder banging away outside, beating against Kampala's hills. Its funny to hope that someone out there might enjoy them on their own coffee break, a world or half a world away from here...

Sunrise on the Victoria Nile, 6.30am

A rain cloud passing over the Nile, and the park goes from light to dark

Victoria Nile south of Murchison Falls

Water buffalo after a mudbath


  1. Martina MolyneauxMay 12, 2010 at 9:33 PM

    the new camera is really paying off hun....the pics are brilliant!

  2. you can always take up a job as photographer if things don't work out honey! the snaps are fantastic!!
