Absorbing, mysterious; of infinite richness, this life - Virginia Woolf

Monday, January 31, 2011

Ireland v Bosnia

Here's an interesting link a friend sent me today: If it Were My Home, which compares your country of choice to another in terms of living standards, environmentalism and size, amongst other things. Sounds a bit dry when I describe it like that, but actually it's pretty cool, especially if like myself you've wandered to a few different countries and like to ponder and consider the differences to the Auld Sod.

I haven't blogged here about the utter implosion of the Irish government and economic situation lately, but trust me when I say I've been following it avidly and spewing my disgust, usually at coffee time, to the other Irish working at the Organisation. Except the truth is, things don't really seem all that bad when you pull up Ireland vs Bosnia. Maybe a little perspective is good for all of us.

It turns out that "If Bosnia and Herzegovina was my home instead of Ireland", I would have 3.3 times more chance of being unemployed, would make 85% less money, and have a 78% higher chance of dying in infancy. Then again, I'd also be using 85% less oil and 68% less electricity. Which makes little sense to me given that the air quality in Sarajevo isn't always it's greatest charm. And while I'd be spending 80.17% less money on health care if I was Bosnian, rumours about the hospitals here make me think I'd prefer to take my chances on the VHI.

That 12% unemployment rate back home doesn't look quite so drastic from this point of view.

As for perspectives, it's nothing new to say that it made me realise how tiny Ireland is... except it turns out, not that tiny at all by Bosnian standards. The only thing this has put in perspective is how ridiculous it is that a drive across Bosnia takes hours and hours longer than it would to whizz from Dublin to Cork. So I'll leave the condition of the roads here up to your imagination.

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